We will show you a simple real example of how you can combine the use of Brand Competitor and Brand Leads tools.

One of our competitors is similarweb.com. We want to get some backlinks that Similarweb has.

When people talk about the importance of backlinks, they're typically talking about a link's ability to improve a page's ranking.

But links have benefits beyond simply improving a page's ranking.

They can also:

  1. Generate traffic: A link on a high traffic page may result in many people clicking through to your website.
  2. Increase brand exposure: The more links you get, the more disclosure your brand will receive as people click on the links.
  3. Better relationships: Outreach campaigns can help you build relationships with others in your niche.
  • Step 1: Create a new campaign. Clean Favorites List and Lead List.
  • Step 2: Analyzer Similarweb competitors.
  • Step 3: Add to favorite list the most important domains.
  • Step 4: Extract Leads from each domain.
  • Step 5: Export to CSV file.
  • Step 6: Add the contact in the email marketing tool.
  • Step 7: Send an email.

Branalyzer Lead Catcher video